day five - me got smarter

TLDR AI Cert DONE. Now we smash some keys and make the robot smart. ...

September 5, 2023 · 1 min · nicabar

day four - suit up

TLDR I played Hillsfar and smoked meats. ...

September 4, 2023 · 1 min · nicabar

day three - roller coaster

TLDR Usually, a Sunday involves recapping the week (We haven’t had one yet). Also, today was an outlier as I frantically refreshed the polling website and chatted up Discord waiting to see if Kist would get the nod. Spoiler alert: It did, and what a roller coaster of a day it was, from 11th to 5th in the blink of an eye. ...

September 3, 2023 · 2 min · nicabar

day two - painting on walls

TLDR Communication: Worked on KIST website and played with some image creation AI: Deep Lake Deep Lake Deep Lake 😅 ...

September 2, 2023 · 3 min · nicabar

day one - into the unknown

TLDR AI: I finished a LangChain course to familiarize myself with the tool and how to implement it into the AI assistant portion of the project. Communication: Launched (draft site @ Using Hugo with the LoveIt Theme hosted at Cloudflare (this setup and decision took way too long) Kist: The GameJam portion is on pause while the basic setup is done to build the game “Pick.” Pick: I started playing Hillsfar to map out the game framework for Pick ...

September 1, 2023 · 2 min · nicabar