AI: I finished a LangChain course to familiarize myself with the tool and how to implement it into the AI assistant portion of the project.
Communication: Launched (draft site @
Using Hugo with the LoveIt Theme hosted at Cloudflare (this setup and decision took way too long)
Kist: The GameJam portion is on pause while the basic setup is done to build the game “Pick.”
Pick: I started playing Hillsfar to map out the game framework for Pick
Do Write a post every day Avoid TOO MUCH DETAIL in daily posts.
A TLDR should cover the 4 topics: Communication, AI, Kist, and Pick. There will also be (1) micro blog from each daily post written as a narrative story.
Day One: Into The Unknown
Today was a (3/10) on productive. I’m probably being hard on myself, but it feels slow going getting back in the grove of kids in school and wife traveling. I launched the draft site for ( after finally settling on Hugo with the LoveIt theme, but I still need to figure out how to edit the theme.
I struggled to get motivated with Deep Lake on the AI front as I ran through some horribly structured tutorials using LangChain and DeepLake. I scored 100% on 2 quizzes and now have a pretty solid workflow. So, yay! The goal is still to build an AI assistant that can help speed up development, like Copilot, but better. Using Copilot with Rust and Solidity works, but not so much with Cairo and Dojo… or anything that keeps changing.
I also played Hillsfar for a microsecond. I really need to sit down and play this game.
No Zero Days - Starts TODAY!