Rust: Deployed a boilerplate WASM game on CloudFlare and Spin to test infra

Bevy: I read through the only Bevy + Dojo repo I could find.


I took a break from AI land, mainly because it was pulling me into using Python and JS. There are some excellent Machine Learning Ops (MLOps) with Rust

AND… many other libraries, but ML and AI are still Python primary with some JS sprinkled on top.

Mojo became available today, and something about that made me rustup!!!

So I took Spin for a spin. Then, I refreshed my brain on CloudFlare Workers. Thank you, Rainer Stropek, for a great run-through and some code I could test. Spin + CloudFlare


I’m continuing down the path of avoiding anything with JS. If CloudFlare’s wrangler didn’t do the V8 JS code for me, I’d 100% only use Spin, but yay, it’s nice to have options. The gang over at Cartridge adapted rustive-ai to Cairo. This checks all my boxes, and I’m jumping in to see what’s up. Will it work on Spin?

