Dojo: Smashed together some code, refactored, smashed together again, and refactored again…


I should return to my two frens, frontend and backend, but I don’t want to. Future me will attempt to understand why sometimes versions (anything and everything) are besties, and other times they want to eat each other raw. For now, I’ll stop breaking everything and practice willful abandonment. Sorry, old goblin frens, it’s time to move on to new goblin frens 🫂 dojo + bevy. If you are not feeling it, watch this video.  

Still nothing? Meh, whatever. Tomorrow, I take a step back and focus ONLY on getting the AI driving game (Cairo version) working locally. I must understand how the cartridge peeps got bevy cooking in Cairo. They did that right, right?

Anyway… I’m dropping TS.

