Dojo: brain hurt + kids like monkeys = pause until Monday
Bun: Hey there, what’s a tasty treat like you hanging around the Juke Joint? Yeah, I don’t know what that means either, but all you need to know is that me do frontend with Bun 1.0. 🫡
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! It’s September, the month where I, solo dad, get to play the fantastical role of full-tilt circus ringmaster while mom travels for work. I attempted to sit down and grind through more Dojo code. I really want to understand how it works or doesn’t work with Bevy, but my kids had a completely different idea of how I would spend the day.
Dojo + Bevy is on pause until Monday. I will need much more time to focus on this than I have now under constant interruption.
ÂSo yesterday, I was swearing off all frontend and trying very very very very hard to not touch any more JS (for a while)
function yesterday() {
const frontendPromise = false;
let attemptsToAvoidJS = 4;
while(attemptsToAvoidJS--) {
try {
if(!frontendPromise) throw new Error("Avoid frontend!");
} catch(e) {
console.warn("Trying hard to:", e.message);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Not touching JS for a while...");
}, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // 24 hours in milliseconds
Just when I thought I was out, blah. Truthfully, I can come and go throughout the day much easier when learning Bun 1.0. Don’t get me wrong, it is not trivial and easy. It’s super cool and fancy. But it doesn’t hurt my head as much as trying to fit Bevy into Dojo.
When my elementary-age girls’ poor nail polish all over the floor, I can calmly step away from my work and “fix” the situation. Then, slide back into Bun learning.
So it’s frontend follies this weekend, and we’ll return to our scheduled programming on Monday!!!