AI: I woke up with robots on my brain and couldn’t stop turning dials. Just gonna need a few more days. 🤡
I’m so close to getting something substantial to build upon. And I’m afraid if I walk away now, the light will dim, leaving me too far behind to pick up and continue. I wish I knew how to quit you, Cairo Chad.
Tomorrow may be different but for now, I want to keep walking down the AI path. Today, I was testing some coding models like WizardCoder and Code Llama. They’re not going to displace any devs anytime soon, and I’m 90% sure I’ll need top to finetune to get many benefits.
Also, I’m splitting Cairo Chad in two, with one side producing code and another helping answer more general LLM chatbot questions.
Working out how that would look as datasets and doing some finetuning. I know it’s time to move on, but I’m in a groove, and until it fades, I’ll stick around.
PS If you’re suffering through ADs while watching my endless YouTube inserts. Well, that’s on you. Because your time and life are worth more than whatever they charge for premium. I believe in you. Now go and fix that ad problem. 🫡