Weekly: I buttoned up a couple of issues with Goblin Scout and realized I should have kept with the Dojo grind in the end. BUT “exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty.” Brian Greene


I love a good quote, and when Brian Greene says we should tolerate uncertainty…



During mass today, I had a thought I couldn’t hold. As it floated by, I tried hard to lash it to my mind, but the idea passed. I recall only that it was a good thought, and then it was gone. After, while gazing past the priest, I became afflicted with self-reflection. It was a day of fits and starts as my mind wandered. Then, it was time to pick up the family from the train. Now I’m here, wondering where the day went.

I’m unsure why I’m writing down these words, or maybe I understand, and this is how the month has gone, a jumble of actions on an uncertain timeline.

Ahhh, I write it down so I don’t forget the forgetting.

The last two days have been like running down a hill with the wind at my back. I’ve been wildly more successful at cramming Starknet and Cairo into my head than I ever was with the LLM. Que Sera, Sera…



