Gaming: Lesson learned… start early and play hard… or die by 69 to the waist
On my recent travels, I sat helpless, unable to focus on Loot Survivor. I had all but given up on playing. Why? I hear you mumble… well, because the dang anti-bot features are a perfect deterrent for humans traveling with smaller humans. I cracked and tried to play on the plane home. Nope, another donation to the leaderboard. Today, I got a chance to enjoy the game, and by a stroke of miscalculations, I got a little more time to play.
I didn’t make it anywhere near the leaderboard or have much success, but what a beautiful achievement of a game. I hope anyone reading this gets a chance to play when it’s deployed.
Since I missed Loot Survivor, my plan was to dominate Forgotten Runes’ new game that launched a mint + playtest today!
I’m BUTTER… cus, um, I’m on a roll. FULL STOP… I soon realized to win, I needed to buy boxes to get land. Like most things, I ineffectively limped in with two common boxes and soon… another one…
FULL STOP (again) No, I’m not going down an iDubbbz redemption arc (today). Instead, the thought, “Why Land?” came knocking.
So I stopped because sometimes, you want to play a game with wizards… and just survive!