AI: GitHub Universe 2023… and how Kist becomes a Enterprise!

Gaming: I really really really want a beast.


Yesterday I had Github Universe running in the background while I played some games and did random house things… and wow… they are 100% going in the AI deep end. AND I wanna dive in and join them so badly!



I’ve known since chat gippity that AI was a big company game, fuck, I’ve known since I took Jeremy Howard’s course. The cost of compute should be your first hint. Sure, he did a great job breaking down the academic barriers, but you will still need much more oomph than your crusty Amiga to juice out the last 1% improvement and win your Kaggle comp.

After running some machine learning on my 2060 super home rig, this was my discovery. So I quit. This was back in 2017/2018, but who knows? Tim Dettmers has been writing on this topic for a long while… now with 2023 updates.

Anyway, I do not want to write a lengthy article on my AI timeline; just know that I like AI, and that I know smarter, richer, and more masterful lads are working on the problems. I’ve only been trying to solve it because I don’t have the same access to the cool toys. Well, that ends today! Thanks Github!!

I’m just going to head over as the nice Universe 2023 presenter tells me. wait. what? not ready yet, limited release?!? I’m going to need to join a waitlist. Fine.

WHAT, I need to be a member of a business account? Fine. WHAT, my business needs to be a member of an enterprise account? Fine. Many steps later, and many dollars sacrificed. Boom goes the dynamite, I’m on the waitlist.



Let’s see what is happening over on Loot Survivor…


