KIST: I want to make a box of tools to move my vision forward… I can’t want have anything else.
I was put off by the overuse of the term flow at GitHub’s recent event, but it stuck with me. So, good on them! The reality of my current life phase is constant uncontrolled chaos. I have two kids in elementary school and a wife whose work is all-consuming. My “job” is to keep it all on the rails… and to be honest, I think the train derailed a couple of states back, and none of us have realized.
Either way, the best thing I can do is to keep building this next new chapter. The one where my kids need me a little less, and my wife’s job can have her a little less (like not at all). It’s complicated and layered, but the flow is in the challenge, and the focus is the key.
I was reminded of this today. I will be reminded of this again.
Instead of a crackpot TED Talk video about flow state, here’s Letterman interviewing Asimov… because there’s much more flow and state going on here.
PS: “We can never tell when it will come, but it isn’t here yet.” -Asimov
PSS: Fuck Cancer! -Everyone