Weekly: Hey, it’s Sunday… let’s blow up the servers.
A quick recap of the week so I can get back to figuring out what’s going wrong with my PCI passthrough.
I ended last week updating my home infra and then wondered why I have a home infra in the first place. I guess for blockchain nodes, local machine learning (AI) stuff, and general home network storage thingamabobs.
Then I had some IRL shit go down with one of my daughters.
I managed to get the smallest amount of work done… until yesterday, when I got 8 hours to myself and attempted to lift up several of my projects and move them across the finish line… only to end back on AI.
So, today I realized I didn’t have an RTX 3600 12GB passing through to my mostly dormant AI local VM… why?? because I don’t own a 3060, but instead, it’s a 2060.. doh! No wonder I’ve been having issues running anything locally. Sure, it’s the super, but 8gb sucks.
And, of course, while I was elbow-deep in my server, I managed to disrupt the previously undocumented systems chakra. Joy!